Friday, February 02, 2007

February Monthly Vision

What’s Happening this Month in your World
Embracing Personal, Global and Cosmic events to Enhance your Reality, written by Dana.

2 Feb – Full Moon Leo
The main feeling coming up around this full moon is Power – owning it, stepping into it, recognizing where you have given it away to others, and making a decision to re-claim it. Who is behind the wheel of your car? Who is writing the script for your life? Who has the most authority over your direction and reality? If the answer is anyone but you, you and you it’s time for a centre-stage check. You are the main star of your own life show. You are your own director and producer too. If you’ve given away these roles to other people, it’s time to remember your power. Get in touch with your solar-plexus, the core of you, the area right in the centre of your torso. Imagine it now like a brilliant golden yellow sun, filling you up with solar power, self-confidence and self-assertion. For the next month visualize it everyday, knowing it is keeping you strong and centered for whatever comes your way.

3-5 Feb – Department of Peace Conference, Washington, DC:
The Peace Alliance Campaign to Establish a U.S Department of Peace
Speakers including Marianne Williamson, Deepak Chopra, Rep. Dennis Kucinich, Michael Bernard Beckwith and leading experts in Conflict Resolution and Protection, Peace-Building and Global Security will be walking the halls of Congress this weekend in support of the legislation to establish a Cabinet level U.S Department of Peace. For more info:

14 Feb-8 March – Mercury Retrograde Pisces
Mercury goes retrograde on Valentine’s Day right near Uranus, planet of all things out of the blue and unexpected– hmmmm. This could go either way. Chances are high that plans will change. What you thought would happen won’t, and what you had no idea would unfold, in fact will. The best thing to do is go with the flow, let go of any set expectations (be they positive or negative) and see what the Universe has in store for you. Enjoy whatever happens for what it is – a reminder that we can’t control life. Sometimes life likes us to be surprised, and that’s the fun part about it.
The rest of Mercury Retrograde will be the usual communication chaos, but a great time to revise, review, re-edit, re-group and remind yourself to take time every now and again to rest and recharge.

18 Feb – New Moon Aquarius, and Chinese New Year, Year of the Pig

Today is a great day to give yourself permission to be more crazy and eccentric over the coming year. Aquarians remind us that life is so much more interesting when we step outside the box and see things from a left of centre perspective. Wear something you wouldn’t usually wear, try an activity you’d usually be scared to try because it’s out of the norm. Pretend no-one is watching you live your life, what would you do?
The year of the Pig reminds us to have fun and enjoy ourselves. Eat, drink (safely) and be merry! Know when you are over-indulging. Enjoy good times with friends, get out there and socialize, don’t confuse being social with being superficial and surface, stay in honesty and integrity always, be kind and gracious to others, laugh and dance more, and always look for the peaceful solution.

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